Mr. Johnny Fernando

Mr. Johnny Fernando
Johnny Fernando, knowledgeable and widely travelled, counts more than 25 years of experience in senior positions within the Group. He was instrumental in spearheading group-wide initiatives in sustainable operations and delivering inspired solutions through innovation, process improvement and automation.
He, who is a Deshabandu Lankaputhra and a whole Island Justice of Peace, has lead different social organization in different capacities and is recognized with many awards from government and nongovernment organisations.
Non-Executive, Independent Director:
- People’s Leasing & Finance PLC,
- People’s Merchant Finance PLC,
- Alliance Leasing And Finance Limited Bangladesh
Advisory Board Member
- The Benedict XVI Catholic Institute of Higher Education,
- The Catholic Press,
Co-owner, Director of Expo Industrial Group which has diversified interests including in Apparel, Food Packaging, Industrial Printing, Commercial Printing, Logistics Management, Engineering and Construction;
- Expo Property Developers (Pvt) Limited,
- Shore to Shore (Pvt) Limited,
- Expo Cargo Links (Pvt) Limited, ,
- Expo Industrial Engineering (Pvt) Limited,
- Expo Printers (Pvt) Limited,
- Expo Regional Holdings (Pvt) Limited,
Committee Member
- National Hospital of Sri Lanka
Positions Held:
- President of the Sri Lanka Association of Printers,
Vice President of the Sri Lanka China Business Council Cooperation