Mr. Shanil Fernando

Mr. Shanil Fernando
Anthony M Shanil Fernando, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor, MBA, MsiArb,
Partner at Anton Fernando Associates Law firm
Anthony M Shanil Fernando is the Chairman of The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Sri Lanka). Chairing Sustainable Development financing, joint ICC-UNESCAP initiative.
Former Independent Director of The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) of, and was the Chairman of the Arbitration and Disciplinary Committee, was a member of the CSE Dispute Resolutions Committee, Risk and Audit, Marketing and Rules Committee. Former Independent nominated Director of Central Depositary Systems Ltd (CDS) of the Colombo Stock Exchange. Former an Independent Director National Wealth Corporation Ltd.
Chairman of Asian Logistics Park Pvt Ltd, A BOI Approved. Third Party (3PL) Warehousing Supply Chain Management Company Owning and Managing, five BOI approved warehouses in 6 locations for Multinational Companies.
Chairman of World Express (CMB) (Pvt) Limited International Freight Forwarding NVOCC and Trucking Company Handling Supply Chain Management for Local and Multinational Companies Gold Card Customs House agent.
Chairman of AFA Corporate Services (Pvt) Limited. Company Secretaries firm servicing listed and unlisted local and foreign owned companies. And Chairman of Air & Sea Logistics (Pvt) Ltd.
Shanil is Lawyer, Arbitrator, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths and Registered Trade Mark Agent and Company Secretary/ Independent Director.
Shanil obtained a First Class Honours, and a Prize in Commercial Law at the Sri Lanka Law College, was Mahapola Merit Scholar. He also has completed his Solicitors (England & Wales) exams.
Shanil has obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM) University of Sri Jayewardenepura and his research studies on “The Use of Electronic Data Interchange for the Facilitation of Trade and Transport”.
Shanil followed Postgraduate at the Queen Mary College, University of London, in Corporate Law, on a Commonwealth Scholarship (now called Chevening), and followed Corporate Law at The University of Texas, USA, and the University of Prince Edward Island Canada and in Japan.
He was a recipient of the Achieves Award by the Postgraduate Institute of Management Professional Association University of Sri Jayewardenepura. And is a Trustee of the PIM Professional Association Foundation.
Shanil is member of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (MSiArb). Diploma holder in Arbitration. Shanil has also appeared in ICC Paris conducted Arbitrations in Sri Lanka. Shanil has followed training courses in International Contracts and Arbitration at the ICC Academy in Paris.
Shanil is a certified trainer on Corporate Governance and was trained by Commonwealth Association for Corporate Governance London.
Shanil was also trained by UNESCAP as a Trainer’s, Trainer on International Trade and Multimodal Transport Facilitation to be a resource person.
He also partly qualified Accountant, have completed some parts of the Charted Institute of Management Accountants CIMA London Exams.
Shanil is a Task Force Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR.
He has been a panelist at many ICC, international conferences and workshops overseas.
He was also awarded the AOTS fellowship to follow training in South Asian Corporate Management in Tokyo Japan.
Shanil is a life member of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL), the Corporate Lawyers Association and the Organization of Professional Associations (OPA) and, a Member of the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors (SLID).
He also served as a visiting resource person in the area of Strategic Human Resources Corporate Law, Arbitration, Corporate Compliance, Negotiations and Conflict Resolution and Supply Chain Management.
Anthony M Shanil Fernando was the past President of the Postgraduate Institute of Management Professional Association Alumni of the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM) of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
Contact details
Chambers 71/ 7 Horton Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
AFA Office Corporate office 2nd floor, World Express Building
No 80 Muhandiram, Road (Behind Temple Trees) Colombo 3, Sri Lanka
Tel : 94 77 272 4403
Email: [email protected]